Ministries for St. Augustine parish

If you are interested in being a member of one of these ministries, please contact St. Augustine’s office at (937) 855-2289 or email the office at

Adult Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation Group meets twice a month to learn more about their Catholic Faith through Bible reading, study programs, discussion and religious movies.

Art & Environment

This committee adds beauty to the church by changing our gathering space to meet the seasons. From Advent to Christmas, Lent to Easter to Ordinary Time, this committee constantly changes our colors to honor the history of the church.

Bereavement Committee

St. Augustine parish offers Bereavement Ministry to individuals and families.  Members of the committee meet with the family to assist with planning the funeral liturgy, funeral home prayer service, and graveside rite.   If requested, the committee ensures  a meal or gathering is prepared according to the families’ specifications.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of the Precious Body and Blood of our Lord at each liturgy.  These individuals also provide the homebound of the parish with weekly communion.

G.A.P. (God Awareness Program)

Religious education for children preschool to grade 8.  Through this program, children learn about the Catholic Church, its teachings, and receive the appropriate sacraments.  Additional information can be found on the GAP page.

Ground Maintenance

Maintenance crew ensures the physical needs of the church and its surroundings are kept to standards.

Homily Review Tea

The Homily Review Team gathers once a month to assist the deacon in preparation of his monthly homily.  The team reads the Sunday readings, discusses the readings and provides input to the deacon.  The deacon formulates his homily and shares it with the team for review/comment prior to sharing with the congregation.


Lectors proclaim the Word at liturgical celebrations.  These individuals need to speak well and be willing to invest time preparing for proclamation of the Word.  Their duties also include reading the petitions and parish announcements at Mass.

Music Ministry

A children’s choir, an adult choir, a volunteer cantor, and pianist make up the music ministry of the parish.  These individuals ensure that music and the liturgy are integrated in ways that suit both the nature of liturgical rituals and the spiritual needs of the parish community.

Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain offers prayers for specific intentions requested by parishioners.  ‘Pray-ers’ are always welcomed to become a member of the chain.  A phone call or email to the Church office begins a chain of spiritual support for those in need.


RCIA (Rite of Christin Initiation of Adults) is the process for prospective converts to Catholicism.  These individuals are above the age of infant baptism.  Candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic beliefs and practices.


Sacristans provide for the fitting adornment of the Sanctuary.  They prepare the altar and offertory gifts for each liturgy, as secure the sanctuary after the liturgy has completed.

Saint Vincent De Paul

Saint Vincent De Paul (SVdP) is an international organization of men and women joined together in spiritual growth through service to those who are in need and suffering.  The St. Augustine Conference provides assistance to Germantown, Farmersville and New Lebanon areas.  Additional information can be found on the St. Vincent De Paul page.


Servers assist the priest at the altar during the liturgical celebration.  Both male and female adults and children (must have received your first communion) are welcomed.


Ushers are the official hosts of the liturgies.  By their presence, conversation and actions, they make all who enter St. Augustine’s feel welcomed.  In addition to greeting all who attend at the door, they collect the offering, assist with use of the elevator, assist with seating, present the offertory gifts (if needed, and maintain a safe environment.